I’ve known Lisa from the very beginning of her career and I was lucky to work with her twice. We even became partners! Through it all, there was one aspect of our work that actually wasn’t “work” that she loved. It was mentoring others. It was truly Lisa’s joy. Students would come to visit her and she’d spend time helping them with their resumes and providing guidance about their futures. They’d leave and she’d always say the same thing: “I LOVE doing this! I wish I could always help other people, especially young people as they embark on their careers.” And Lisa, look at you now!  You are doing so much mentoring – through teaching, your television program, your book – that you are making an impact on thousands. I am so proud of you for making your own dreams come true. I am equally proud of you for doing it all so well. Congratulations!

Sharla Feldscher, President, Sharla Feldscher Public Relations

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