What if in a perfect world we treated every moment like it was a special occasion, a big event or as I like to say a magical moment?

 jacob and ari

Let’s try it for a month? For one month, I ‘m asking you to try it, just try it and see if you can do it!

Sometimes I get a very special reminder from my boys. Recently I was super tired and it was only Wednesday. Help! I thought. How am I going to get through the week? I was exhausted. My youngest son Ari asked me to sit down next to him. It was 4:00 p.m., a time that is often devoted to WORK! I had calls to return. Messages to type on my laptop, blah blah blah.

But there was something about the way he asked me. It was as if he knew I needed a break as much as he needed me. I sat down, put my phone away and let out a big sigh. I was determined to be with Ari. Really, be with Ari. Be in the moment. Not on my phone. Not thinking about all the work that was waiting for me. He asked if we could rent a movie and  I said yes. We both love sports so we picked Million Dollar Arm. We had already seen the movie twice, but I didn’t care. That’s what he wanted and the point was to just spend time together.

We ate popcorn and sat next to each other as we watched the movie. And something amazing happened: for the rest of the night, the world stopped for me. My son and I shared a special, magical moment. The time I spent with him rejuvenated me and made me realize that we all need to have magical moments every day.

So, let’s all try this exercise for 30 days. Every day, spend a little time with your children, friends or family member with the intention of just being there, being mindful and present, and let a magical moment happen.

A Magical Moment, is just one example of taking care of YOU and living the best life for YOU! If you are looking for ways to make yourself feel better or need a pick-me-up, check out my book Life Happens: Bounce Back! or visit my YouTube channel at BouncingBackLisaBien.



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